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Java on Mac OSX [solved]

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I'm curious whether it's possible to run Java 6 on Mac OSX, because apparently OSX already comes bundled with Java 5 and on the Sun java download page there are no Macs in the platform selection box.


Also, this Apple page seems to suggest that version 6 only runs on 64-bit, Intel Macs.


Does anybody use Java 6 on Mac OSX? Does anyone use Java 5 instead? Would anyone like to volunteer to try out running a jar file to see whether it runs ok on the Mac?

Edited by neddie
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I'd be glad to run it.


OS X Leopard (10.5.6), Intel, 64-bit. It does appear that you can only get Java 6 on Intel-based, 64-bit machines.


Of course, that's just their built-in version. I imagine you can install "unsupported" versions via fink or darwinports.

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Great, thanks tyme! :thumbs:

I'll send you the jar file by PM.


It would be nice to check it with a "normal" OSX (Is 64-bit normal?). Has anyone else got a standard java 5 install on Mac OSX just to check that this jar file I've got also works on there?

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Most Intel Mac's are 64-bit, so 64-bit is pretty normal now. I don't recall if the first gen Intels were 64-bit.


I would offer to test this at my job, under the various setups we have (Intel, PPC, various versions, even some old OS 9 machines) but I don't think my boss would be OK with that :(


I will test it on my MBP when I get home tonight, then.

Edited by tyme
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Woohoo! :thumbs:

I managed to get hold of a Macbook Pro today, and it had java 1.5 on it (interestingly it also had java3d already installed too, apparently by default?). Anyway, I had compiled my code to be 1.5 compatible and it ran without any problems :D Just double-clicked it, very nice.

I think the touchpad thing would take some getting used to but a USB mouse worked fine, with right-click and scroll wheel and everything. So now I've got a couple of nice screenshots (Shift - Apple - 4 is the magic key combination, would you believe?) showing my app in OSX shinyness!

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sorry neddie...my forgetfulness won out on this one :(


a USB mouse worked fine, with right-click and scroll wheel and everything.
All this can be done via the trackpad - if you configure it appropriately in the control panel. Either the bottom left or the bottom right of the trackpad can be set as right-click (and it does work pretty well, once you get a feel for where "bottom left/right" is, exactly) and you can scroll using two fingers on the trackpad. Edited by tyme
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sorry neddie...my forgetfulness won out on this one :(
No problem, it was fun to play with it myself anyway. Looks smooth, plays nicely, there are just a few things which need getting used to (as you'd expect).

But yay for cross-platform development, not even a recompile necessary to run on Mandriva / Debian / XP / Vista / OSX ! And even runs on that KDE4.2 live CD from Suse!

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