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XKB problem - Help!

Guest Thura

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Hey, I am quite new to Mandriva ...

I started using Linux 4 months ago with Ubuntu ...

Recently, heard about Mandriva and giving it a try ...

Everyth works well .... Nvidia and Wireless drivers and everyth ...

But I have this prob ...

I am not familiar the default Myanmar Keyboard Layout provided by X11 ...

So, I needed to change 'mm' layout file in '/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/mm' and After that, xorg.conf ...

But it doesn't work ... I don't know what is the prob ...

I have done this before in Ubuntu and it works ....

It is giving me a headache ...

So, help me if you can ...

I am using Mandriva 2009.0 with KDE4.1 ...

Thanks in advance ...


This is the code I changed in my xorg.conf

Section "InputDevice"
# generated from data in "/etc/sysconfig/keyboard"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,mm(zawgyi)"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_alt_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:rwin"


This my locale file from "/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/mm"

// $XKeyboardConfig$
// $XKeyboardConfig$
// based on a keyboard map from an 'xkb/symbols/mm' file
partial default alphanumeric_keys					   
xkb_symbols "basic" {								   
  name[Group1]= "Myanmar";						  

// Mainly numbers.
  key <AE01> { [	  0x1001041, exclam	 ]	   };
  key <AE02> { [	  0x1001042			 ]	   };
  key <AE03> { [	  0x1001043			 ]	   };
  key <AE04> { [	  0x1001044			 ]	   };
  key <AE05> { [	  0x1001045			 ]	   };
  key <AE06> { [	  0x1001046			 ]	   };
  key <AE07> { [	  0x1001047			 ]	   };
  key <AE08> { [	  0x1001048			 ]	   };
  key <AE09> { [	  0x1001049, parenleft  ]	   };
  key <AE10> { [	  0x1001040, parenright ]	   };
  key <AE11> { [	  minus, 0x1001038	  ]	   };
  key <AE12> { [	  0x1001052, 0x1001056  ]	   };

// Mainly long vowels
  key <AD01> { [	  0x100102A,  0x100102A ]	   };
  key <AD02> { [	  0x1001032,  0x1001032 ]	   };
  key <AD03> { [	  0x100102C,  0x1001021 ]	   };
  key <AD04> { [	  0x100102E,  0x1001024 ]	   };
  key <AD05> { [	  0x1001030,  0x1001026 ]	   };

// Mainly voiced consonants
  key <AD06> { [	  0x1001017,  0x1001018 ]	   };
  key <AD07> { [	  0x100101F,  0x1001004 ]	   };
  key <AD08> { [	  0x1001002,  0x1001003 ]	   };
  key <AD09> { [	  0x1001012,  0x1001013 ]	   };
  key <AD10> { [	  0x1001007,  0x1001008 ]	   };
  key <AD11> { [	  0x100100d,  0x100100e ]	   };
  key <AD12> { [	  0x100100a,  0x1001009 ]	   };

// Mainly short vowels
  key <AC01> { [	  0x1001029,  0x1001029 ]	   };
  key <AC02> { [	  0x1001027,  0x1001027 ]	   };
  key <AC03> { [	  0x1001039,  0x1001021 ]	   };
  key <AC04> { [	  0x100102D,  0x1001023 ]	   };
  key <AC05> { [	  0x100102F,  0x1001025 ]	   };

// Mainly unvoiced consonants
  key <AC06> { [	  0x1001015,  0x1001016 ]	   };
  key <AC07> { [	  0x100101B,  0x100101B ]	   };
  key <AC08> { [	  0x1001000,  0x1001001 ]	   };
  key <AC09> { [	  0x1001010,  0x1001011 ]	   };
  key <AC10> { [	  0x1001005,  0x1001006 ]	   };
  key <AC11> { [	  0x100100b,  0x100100c ]	   };
  key <BKSL> { [	  0x100104E,  0x100104F ]	   };

  key <AB01> { [	  0x100104C,  0x100104D ]	   };
  key <AB02> { [	  0x1001037,  0x1001036 ]	   };
  key <AB03> { [	  0x1001019,  0x100100f ]	   };
  key <AB04> { [	  0x1001014,  0x1001014 ]	   };
  key <AB05> { [	  0x1001017,  0x1001017 ]	   };
  key <AB06> { [	  0x100101C,  0x100101C ]	   };
  key <AB07> { [	  0x100101E,  0x1001050 ]	   };
  key <AB08> { [	  comma,	  0x1001051 ]	   };
  key <AB09> { [	  period,	 0x100104A ]	   };
  key <AB10> { [	  slash,	  0x100101A ]	   };

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "zawgyi" {   
   name[Group1]= "Myanmar - Zawgyi";

key <ESC>  {[ Escape ]};

// Alphanumeric section
//Norma, Shift, AltGR  

  key <AE01> {[	 0x1001041,	  0x100100D ,	 0x100100E,	  0x100106F	   ]};
  key <AE02> {[	 0x1001042,	  0x1001091,	  0x100106D	   ]};				
  key <AE03> {[	 0x1001043,	  0x100100B,	  0x100106C	   ]};				
  key <AE04> {[	 0x1001044,	  dollar, 0x100104E,	  0x1001023	   ]};		
  key <AE05> {[	 0x1001045,	  0x1000025,	  0x1001029,	  0x100102A	   ]};

  key <AE06> {[	 0x1001046,	  0x100002F	   ]};
  key <AE07> {[	 0x1001047,	  0x100101B,	  0x1001090	   ]};
  key <AE08> {[	 0x1001048,	  0x1001002,	  0x1001062	   ]};
  key <AE09> {[	 0x1001049,	  0x1000028,	  0x1001026	   ]};
  key <AE10> {[	 0x1001040,	  0x1000029,	  0x1001085	   ]};
  key <AE11> {[	 0x100002D,	  0x1000058,	  0x1001097	   ]};
  key <AE12> {[	 0x100003D,	  0x100002B,	  0x100106E,	  0x10000F7	   ]};
  key <BKSP> {																		 

  symbols[Group1]= [ BackSpace, Terminate_Server ]};

  key  <TAB> {[	 Tab,	ISO_Left_Tab ]};
  key <AD01> {[	 0x1001006,	  0x100103D,	  0x1001066,	  0x1001067	   ]};
  key <AD02> {[	 0x1001010,	  0x100107D,	  0x1001071,	  0x1001072	   ]};
  key <AD03> {[	 0x1001014,	  0x100108F,	  0x1001077,	  0x1001096	   ]};
  key <AD04> {[	 0x1001019,	  0x100103C,	  0x100107C	   ]};				
  key <AD05> {[	 0x1001021,	  0x100108A,	  0x1001024	   ]};				
  key <AD06> {[	 0x1001015,	  0x1001094,	  0x100104C,	  0x1001078	   ]};
  key <AD07> {[	 0x1001000,	  0x1001095,	  0x1001060,	  0x1001009	   ]};
  key <AD08> {[	 0x1001004,	  0x1001088,	  0x100104D,	  0x100106A	   ]};
  key <AD09> {[	 0x100101E,	  0x1001025,	  0x1001086,	  0x1001070	   ]};
  key <AD10> {[	 0x1001005,	  0x100100F,	  0x1001065	   ]};				
  key <AD11> {[	 0x100101F,	  0x1001027,	  0x100005B	   ]};				
  key <AD12> {[	 0x100201C,	  0x100201D,	  0x100005D	   ]};				
  key <BKSL> {[	 0x100104F,	  0x1001092	   ]};								
  key <RTRN> {[	 Return  ]};														

  key <CAPS> {[	 Caps_Lock	   ]};
  key <AC01> {[	 0x1001031,	  0x1001017,	  0x1001008,	  0x100107A	   ]};
  key <AC02> {[	 0x100103A,	  0x100103D,	  0x100107D,	  0x1001087	   ]};
  key <AC03> {[	 0x100102D,	  0x100102E,	  0x100108E,	  0x100108c	   ]};
  key <AC04> {[	 0x1001039,	  0x1001064	   ]};								
  key <AC05> {[	 0x100102B,	  0x100103C	   ]};								
  key <AC06> {[	 0x1001037,	  0x1001036	   ]};								
  key <AC07> {[	 0x100103B,	  0x1001032,	  0x1001083,	  0x1001084	   ]};
  key <AC08> {[	 0x100102F,	  0x1001033,	  0x1001089	   ]};				
  key <AC09> {[	 0x1001030,	  0x1001034,	  0x100108D,	  0x100108B	   ]};
  key <AC10> {[	 0x1001038,	  0x100105A,	  0x1002018,	  0x1002019	   ]};
  key <AC11> {[	 0x1001012,	  0x1001013,	  0x1001075,	  0x1001076	   ]};

  key <LFSH> {[	 Shift_L ]};
  key <AB01> {[	 0x1001016,	  0x1001007,	  0x1001079,	  0x1001068	   ]};
  key <AB02> {[	 0x1001011,	  0x100100C,	  0x1001073,	  0x1001074	   ]};
  key <AB03> {[	 0x1001001,	  0x1001003,	  0x1001061,	  0x1001063	   ]};
  key <AB04> {[	 0x100101C,	  0x1001020,	  0x1001085	   ]};				
  key <AB05> {[	 0x1001018,	  0x1001080,	  0x100107B	   ]};				
  key <AB06> {[	 0x100100A,	  0x100107F,	  0x100106B,	  0x1001069	   ]};
  key <AB07> {[	 0x100102C,	  0x100107E,	  0x1001081,	  0x1001082	   ]};
  key <AB08> {[	 0x100101A,	  0x100101D,	  0x100002C	   ]};				
  key <AB09> {[	 period,		 0x100003E	   ]};								
  key <AB10> {[	 0x100104B,	  0x100104A,	  0x100003F	   ]};				

  key <LCTL> {[	 Control_L	   ]};
  key <SPCE> {[	 space   ]};		

// End alphanumeric section			
// End "Editing" section, begin "Keypad"
key <NMLK> {		[  Num_Lock, Pointer_EnableKeys		 ]	   };
key <KPDV> {		[  KP_Divide			]	   };				
key <KPMU> {		[  KP_Multiply		  ]	   };				
key <KPSU> {		[  KP_Subtract		  ]	   };				

key  <KP7> {		[  KP_Home,	 0x1001047	   ]	   };
key  <KP8> {		[  KP_Up,	   0x1001048	   ]	   };
key  <KP9> {		[  KP_Prior,	0x1001049	   ]	   };
key <KPAD> {		[	   KP_Add		  ]	   };		

key  <KP4> {		[  KP_Left,	 0x1001044	   ]	   };
key  <KP5> {		[  KP_Begin,	0x1001045	   ]	   };
key  <KP6> {		[  KP_Right,	0x1001046	   ]	   };

key  <KP1> {		[  KP_End,	  0x1001041	   ]	   };
key  <KP2> {		[  KP_Down,	 0x1001042	   ]	   };
key  <KP3> {		[  KP_Next,	 0x1001043	   ]	   };
key <KPEN> {		[	   KP_Enter		]	   };		
key <KPEQ> {		[	   KP_Equal		]	   };		

key  <KP0> {		[  KP_Insert,   0x1001040	   ]	   };
key <KPDL> {  [  KP_Delete, KP_Decimal ]	};				
// End "Keypad" section									   



[moved from Software by spinynorman - welcome aboard :)]

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I changed my Keyboard layout to one of Thai variant ... ( TO TEST )

Configure you computer >> Hardware >> Keyboard Layout >> Thai(Pattchote)


Now, My xorg.conf file is like this ..

Section "InputDevice"
# generated from data in "/etc/sysconfig/keyboard"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,th(pat)"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_alt_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:rwin"


And the Thai layout works by switching the keyboard with Ctrl + Alt ...

So, I tried to change back to my previous one ...

Section "InputDevice"
# generated from data in "/etc/sysconfig/keyboard"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,mm(zawgyi)"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_alt_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:rwin"

But, it doesn't work ...

When I changed keyboard Layout using Ctrl + Alt, it changed to Thai Layout ...

What ? I already edited xorg.conf and symbols/mm...

Is there any file else I need to edit ?

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