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I need a Kernel with all the DV and ohci1394 stuff built in!

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Sorry I am a complete wimp here. I need a version of the 2.4.21-0.13mdk kernel but with all the ohci1394, dv1394 etc etc drivers compiled in so I can plug in my Digital Camcorder. I also need the source so I can patch in nVidia drivers. I have found the recent 0.18 kernel to cause problems when the nForce network driver is patched in, so this is not an option.


I have tried loading all the modules using modprobe but Kino still says "ieee 1394 subsystem not loaded". I have been to the www.linux1394.org site which says that the 1394 modules have to be compiled into the kernel else they will not work.


My only attempt at compiling a kernel ended in unmitigated disaster. I am therefore wondering if an "off the shelf" precompiled kernel is available for this purpose?


Anyone know?

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I don't need a new Kernel!!!!


The various 1394 drivers supplied with Mandrake 9.1 worked all along, it's just that they are only available to root, so when I ran Kino as myself it thought they weren't there! When I ran Kino as root it worked!




So what's going on here and how to I fix it?

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i don't know how 1394 works (i have it but don't use it), but i do know it's a pemission problem, and i'm guessing it has to do with a device in /dev


hope someone can provide better guidance...

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I have been searching and posting all over the net on this one. I have found a website where the author advises on making Kino work with a DV Camcorder, and basically he accepts that the ieee1394 subsystem will only work as root, so you have to run Kino from a terminal as root.


I am not happy with doing this, though I have had to so far.


Although I have loaded 5 modules, (ieee1394, video1394, raw1394, dv1394 and ohci1394) only the first two appear as a "device", ie, /dev/ieee1394 and /dev/video1394. From what I gather, I need to have similar devices for the next two. Is there another way of loading the modules (other than modprobe) which will also produce the devices?

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I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!!


Sorry for shouting, but.... I DID IT!!!!


I already had all the modprobe lines added to rc.local and the devices only worked for root.


In a terminal I changed to root and typed


cd /dev



I saw that there were some reversed entries (ie highlighted) which did not correspond with directories listed in Konqueror. One was /dev/nvidia. There is a line in /etc/modules.conf which reads alias /dev/nvidia* nvidia . I concluded that they were "virtual" devices and wondered whether I could "chmod" them as if they were real ones.


So I added these lines to modules.conf


alias /dev/dv1394* dv1394

alias /dev/raw1394* raw1394


and rebooted.


I then went back to the /dev folder in a terminal as root and typed:




dv1394 and raw1394 were now there, highlighted as before!


I typed:


mknod raw1394 c 172 0

mknod dv1394 c 172 0


Both these lines produced errors, directories already present, but I continued:


chmod 666 raw1394

chmod 666 dv1394


Now I ran kino as user from the menu and it ran with full access to the 1394 system.


To find out whether the change was permanent, I took a deep breath, rebooted (I nearly suffocated - it takes a while!) and ran kino again, and it worked!


Anyway, thanks everyone for trying. I'm about to log off and get the partition image discs out... time for a backup, methinks!

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