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Traffic counter for an internal client


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I'm working with connbytes to limit the number of traffic(in/out) for a client in my network, but to no avail.

For example if i would like to limit all trafic(not restricted to one client) i could use:


iptables -A INPUT -m connbytes --connbytes 10000:100000 -j DROP


How i would especify an ip?

How can i reset this counter every month?

Thank you

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Maybe something like:


iptables -A INPUT -s x.x.x.x -m connbytes --connbytes 10000:100000 -j DROP


replacing x.x.x.x with the IP you want to have as the source IP to monitor. Unless it's a destination IP, then change -s to -d.

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I'm not sure how more direct you can get than using iptables-save and iptables-restore :unsure:


However, if iptables is configured correctly, on an rpm distro, you can probably just do this with:


service iptables restart


or restart the service in the gui if you prefer not to use the command line. Make sure that /etc/sysconfig/iptables is configured to save any rules when it shuts down. Also, if for example you wanted to restart the service at the end of the month for example, if you were monitoring for a month, then you'd schedule a job in /etc/cron.monthly to restart the service for you. Then just sit back and never have to reset it yourself.

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Looking at iptables man page:


   Match by how many bytes or packets a connection  (or  one  of  the  two
   flows  constituting the connection) have tranferred so far, or by aver-
   age bytes per packet.

   The counters are 64bit and are thus not expected to overflow;)

   The primary use is to detect long-lived downloads and mark them  to  be
   scheduled using a lower priority band in traffic control.

   The  transfered  bytes  per  connection  can  also  be  viewed  through
   /proc/net/ip_conntrack and accessed via ctnetlink

   [!] --connbytes from:[to]
		  match packets  from  a  connection  whose  packets/bytes/average
		  packet size is more than FROM and less than TO bytes/packets. if
		  TO is omitted only FROM check is done.  "!"  is  used  to  match
		  packets not falling in the range.


it looks OK, so I don't know why as I've never tried it.

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