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Running steam on wine

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I installed wine and tinkered around with it a bunch tonight. The biggest headache so far was switching directories. Navigating to long file paths that you don't have memorized seems to be quite the pain. Is there an easy solution to this?



Anyway my first challenge is with steam. I got a handful of other windows apps running including utorrent, which is fairly exciting, so I know I have it installed correctly. I followed some instructions on a website; it looks like wine makes a fake windows of sorts in /drive_c/ so I installed steam in there and it seems like everything went fine. So I go to run it and it updates and gives me the login screen, but when I go to log in it gives me some authentication error like my account doesn't exist. Now I could be typing in my password wrong or something, but I really don't think so. I can check in windows later.


I noticed I got these warnings when I was trying to log on:

[root@localhost games]# wine steam.exe
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on Intel ICH6 Modem, disabling mixer
fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
err:ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path.
err:ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
dir: C:\games\bin\ *.mix
dir: C:\games\bin\ *.asi
dir: C:\games\bin\ *.flt
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request:  4
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request:  30
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0xd0050,0x00000000,56,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0xd0050,0x00000000,56,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0xd0050,0x00000000,56,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0xd0050,0x00000000,183,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0xd0050,0x00000000,183,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0xd0050,0x00000000,235,2): stub!


The part after the 30 is where it stops, then I try to log on and I get the stub! things and it fails. I tried installing samba because that's where the file is from that it's complaining about earlier on, but that didn't seem to help any. Of course I could have messed up the install for it since I don't reall know what I'm doing. Also got a few warnings while steam was loading that I figured I'd throw up just for kicks.


kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/wine.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'vms/exe'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/wine.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'application/x-winexe'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/wine.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'application/msdos-windows'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'kbluetooth_kbtobexsrv.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'KBluetoothDModule'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/kde/kaffeine.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'audio/x-ogg'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/base.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'knotify.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'KNotify'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/writer.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'zz-application/zz-winassoc-wps'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/kover.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'application/x-kover'
fixme:dbghelp:dump_system_info fill in CPU vendorID and feature set




So. Anyone know what I need to do? Was i on the right track trying to install samba? Need to do something else? I've seen a bunch of people running steam so I know it's possible...

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Humm, I dont know what to tell you. I read your problem, and on my system (Kubuntu 8.04) I did the following to install Steam:


1) Build the latest version of WINE.

2) From the terminal as a normal user: wine msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi'

3) Follow the normal install routine, same as windows.



Did you use the latest build of wine? I am asking because of this line:

err:ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path.


This is probably your problem with not being able to login to Steam.

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Running wine as root is actually one of the worst ideas a human mind could ever produce... all windows viruses and exploits targetting your linux system.
Except that they wouldn't actually be targeting your Linux system, but rather the environment that wine creates for running the windows programs. Also, not every exploit would work - only a small subset that are in the base implementations that wine uses (which doesn't correlate to a full Windows install) and any exploits the program you are running has. Even so, it is highly unlikely that a virus/exploit would even work within wine and even less likely that it would be able to access and/or harm your linux install.


That's not to say you should run wine as root, but for the love of all things, don't go spreading FUD, k? thanks.

Edited by tyme
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