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/mnt/windows no access


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/mnt/windows is set for all permissions to root (the owner) and only read for all others. I am not able to even browse it as a regular user and if try to change the permissions as root, an error states I do not have enough access to the file to chance permissions. Root has no problem browsing through.

I no longer have a functioning windows installation, but I do have stuff saved there and I occasionally run stuff from there with wine. It was fine until 9.1 and I can't figure out what the problem is.

my fstab entry is:

/dev/hda1	/mnt/windows	vfat  user,exec,dev,suid,rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0


does the problem lie there? I still don't know what most of that really means so maybe it needs editing. any ideas?

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I have a 40gb hdd that had windows once but now just has media and stuff on it, the mandrake installer wanted to mount it as /mnt/windows but i just mounted it as /media and it is fine that way.

Can change the permissions as root to allow user writes etc..


i think mandrake just tries to protect a mnt/windows from being damaged even if there is no actual os on the disk. I wasn't able to change the permissions when it was /mnt/windows but that may have just been me.

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