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Gentoo question re: 1.4rc3 Stage 1/2/3 tarballs

Guest SDMF

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I downloaded the different stages, and decided I am gonna try a stage 1 install. but when I try to unpack, I get loads of mknod errors, basically saying that I'm not permitted to create a device node at ./dev/whatever.


I unpacked as root, and this took care of that problem. But I am left with a series of directories, not an ISO image. What I am I supposed to do, just burn these directories? Will it still be bootable? Shouldn't it be unpacking to an ISO and not several directories?

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Well, it has been a while since I have used Gentoo, but I believe there are two different sets of downloads, ISOs, and then a compressed version for installing in a chrooted environment. Are you sure you downloaded the ISOs?

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Gentoo is a little bit different to install. You have to download the live-cd (an iso image) and burn it. You also have to download the stage you want to start to (1 (the longest - around 2 days to get KDE screen), 2 (1.5 days) or 3 (some packages are already compiled for you)). You have to put the stage (1, 2 or 3) somewhere on your hard drive. NOw reboot with the live-cd and untar the archive in a newly formated partition. This will create a whole bunch of directories (bin, var, usr...) in the newly formated partition and this will be the beginning of the compilation.


If you want to compile Gentoo, you should read this HowTo before:




It explains everything in details.. from downloading the live-cd and stage tarbar to compiling your kernel and installing packages (X, Fluxbox or whatever). This is LONG but it worth it beleive me.:D



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