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How to have same ip in Mandriva 2007 and Windows?


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I'm using mandriva 2007. My computer is connected to internet through cable modem. When i start mandriva i get different ip address via dhcp then i'm getting in windows xp. Currently my dhcp client is dhclient and i also tried pump but without success. With dhclient i tried to send client_id in format 1:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX in dhclient.conf and with pump i tried to add option --win-client-ident in ifup script but nothing. I'm getting all possible ip addresses but not address which i'm getting in windows xp! Please help!!! :wall:

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Why do you want to have the same ip address that you get with Windows? With dhcp it doesn't make a difference?


If you want the same ip address each time, configure it for a static ip instead.

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Because my cable modem has strange problem. After changing ip address my modem simply blocks! It can't send nor receive data (or it can very slow 200-300 B/s)! I have to unplug it from the wall each time i'm going from linux to windows! :huh:

Edited by edc
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I just went through doing this (for different reasons)


If you're not using more than one computer to access your modem, can it be set to a fixed IP range? I use routers (I have three computers and three Tivo's on my network) so I need multiple IP's but if you have only one computer - you may be able to set your router to a single IP "range". If not - read on...


In WindowsXP: Select "Control Panel" - in classic view double-click on "Network Properties" [in Category View, click "Network and Internet connections" then "Network Connections...


...then on your network adapter, then on "Properties" button, then select "Internet Protocal [TCP/IP]", and "Properties". Then select "Use the following IP address" - enter your IP,Subnet and Gateway and lower down in the window enter your DNS server(s). You'll have to determine these numbers on your own (your provider should be able to help). Subnet is usually, Gateway is your router or networked modem IP (can sometimes be left blank). DNS servers are via your provider. If your modem has http:// addressable software you might be able to copy these from there. I use a Linksys router and it had all the data I needed on it. Close everything out and reboot. This should do it for WinXP


In Mandriva 2006: I've almost never had the drake tool for networking work right. Try it, and if it doesn't work for you try editing these files...

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 The filename may be different for your setup, try "ifconfig" from a console as root and your should be able to figure out which device you're using to access your network.

In this file change these lines;

BOOTPROTO="dhcp" to BOOTPROTO="static"


NETMASK="No Mask" to NETMASK= or your needed info

Add this line;

GATEWAY= or your needed info

Comment out this line;



Check the file /etc/resolv.conf. It should contain your name servers like this:



search localhost

If not - put them there. Another wise idea is when doing any of the above edits, don't delete any line, comment them out instead (in this case a leading # is the ticket). This way if you typo or screw something up, it's easier to revert to your old setup.

There are lots of other entries that can/should be in these files but I'll leave that to the experts. This should get you going.

Edited by oshunluvr
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