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Advisories (MDKA-2005:055 ): acpid


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Mandriva Advisories MDKA-2005:055 : acpid


Updated acpid package fixes various bugs

November 16th, 2005


A number of bugs have been fixed in this new acpid package: Correct an error in the initscript, to look for lm_battery.sh rather than battery.sh. Correct an issue where logrotate of acpid's log files would cause the X server to consume 100% cpu. Note: In order to restart the acpid service you may have to stop X (telinit 3 if you use a graphical login, or exit X if you use startx).



The released versions of Mandriva GNU/Linux affected are:

  • 2006.0

Full information about this advisory, including the updated packages, is available at:



Posted automatically by aru (mdksec2mub v: mdksec2mub,v 0.15 2005/11/24 16:53:12 aru Exp aru $)

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