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Mac emulator based (though they say it isn't) on PearPC. Right now it is only for Windows XP but I bet they port it to Linux eventually. For now I don't see the advantage in it over PearPC but time will tell. PearPC has done some research and doesn't appear to be happy with what appears to be their code in the program.

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This site has some interesting news about the emulator and the alleged code difference (or lack of difference). It may very well turn out to violate GPL. Also Apple may step in and quash it because they specifically encourage potential buyers to install Mac OS X with it - when Max OS X, at least according to their EULA, can only legally be installed on "Apple-labeled" computers only. One amusing poster here noted that perhaps one could just put an Apple sticker on a box to work around that (see the comments section of the article). :lol:

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Yep, that joke has been cracked a few times down at the pearpc.net forum. They have the authoritative thread on this (65 pages!):



[normal DNS server is screwed ATM, hence the funny address]


As you'd expect, they have been sinking cattle-prods into CherryOS' credibility since it was first 'promo'd' (but not released) back in autumn. Now it's getting really good for the popcorn-munchers; here's the full rap sheet:


1) They stole GPL code from PearPC for the emulation;

2) They stole experimental freeware code from HFV Explorer for the Shared Disk feature.

3) They stole GPL code from OpenVPN for the networking ability;

4) They packaged it with an unlicensed copy of Indigo Rose Setup Factory;

5) They built it with an unlicensed copy of Visual Basic;

6) And of course they promote violation of the Apple EULA (but let's skim over that since it could scr3w PearPC as well)


Now I can't substantiate any of these allegations (though from what I've seen, at least 1 and 3 are pretty irrefutable). This app. has already triumphed at the Wired News Vaporware Awards 2004; could it now take the crown for the greatest number of IP crimes incorporated in one piece of software?

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Do you mean this forum or that one? (Either way, I agree!)


Well, potentially there is a list of folks (see above) who might want a pop at them. I hesitate to say "they're going down" as things don't always work out that way, but it looks likely...


Anyhoo, the app. itself is an embarrassment. If they have ripped off PearPC, it seems they ripped off a rather early vintage and built a crappy VB shell around it. Any user of a month's experience with PearPC, who builds from CVS or gets nightly builds and refines their configs a bit, can expect better performance than with - I love saying this - CherryB$.

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