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wine and autoexec.bat how?

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Running cooker 10.2b3mm though I believe I experienced the same prob with 10.1.

used system,config,packaging,browse avail software. Search wine and installed them all - about 8 or so. (rpmi is set to cooker)


Astrolog 5.40 a free astrology program:


Set up astrolog.sh to cd to my old winblows software directory and "wine astrolog.exe"

Comes up very nicely! Damn is that nice! Damn I like MDK!!!

Fonts are italic, so I do some search on the forum and copy my win98 fonts to the appropriate place.

Restart it and fonts are perfect. Damn I'm liking this!!!!!


Now, in windows, for the program to get the correct GMT offset, I have to put

"set TZ=EST5EDT" in autoexec.bat


So I tried creating

with the appropriate line, but it seems to have no affect on the program.



tia!!!!!!!!! (newbie to wine and this is only proggy I have tried)





Moved from Software to Emulation - Artificial Intelligence

Edited by Artificial Intelligence
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autoexec.bat is an old windows 9x file that was initiated on windows bootup.


wine runs the program, it doesnt attempt to boot a whole windows system.



wine should read your time information from linux. so if you have linux set correctly, wine programs should also be. if this is not the case, check the wine manual on the wine website www.winehq.org and there might be an option in that.

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lol, I was just looking through winehq for an answer, and came back here and found your reply!


It comes in, or rather is interpreted 3 hours off - 1am is thought to be 4am

I know I can fudge it by pretending the tz is 3 west of where I am.

I am US EST (GMT-5) I get the correct readings for here and now if I tell it I am GMT-8

I'll accept that as "good enough"!




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