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python/yum idea "SOLVED"


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#! /usr/bin/env python

##  Yum Repository selection frontend
##  by iphitus  --  iphitus@gmail.com 

from sys import argv,exit
from os import listdir,getuid,execvp,system,wait
from optparse import OptionParser   

## Change this if this file is not named program_name
program_name = "yumrepo"
def main():

 arguments = argv[1:]
 ## Load list of repositories
 repolist = listdir("/etc/yum.repos.d")
 for f in repolist:
   if f[-5:] != ".repo":

 ## Load and parse command line options
 parser = OptionParser()
 parser.add_option("-l", "--list-repos", 
           action="store_true", dest="listrepos", help="List available repositories.")
 (options,args) = parser.parse_args()

 ## Check to see if root, if not, su then execute command again
 if getuid() != 0:
   getroot = raw_input("This program requires root access, run as root? (Y/n)")
   if getroot == "n" or getroot == "N":
     astring = " "
     for a in arguments:
       astring = astring+" "+a
     suargs = ["root","--command="+program_name+astring]

 ## Check command line options
 if options.listrepos:
   print "Available repositories are:"
   for r in repolist:
     print "  ",r[:-5]        
 ## Start offering repos 
 yum="yum "
 for f in repolist:      
   response = raw_input("Use repository: " + f[:-5] + "? (Y/n)")
   if response == "y" or response == "Y":
     yum = yum + "--enablerepo=" + f[:-5] + " "
   elif response == "n" or response == "N":
     yum = yum + "--disablerepo=" + f[:-5] + " "
     yum = yum + "--enablerepo=" + f[:-5] + " "

 ## Add other yum arguments    
 for a in arguments:
   if a[0] != "-" and a != "":
     yum=yum+" " + a

   ## Run Yum
if __name__ == "__main__":



here we go...


arguments werent passed in the last one because i rewrote it to use execvp :P here's the fixed one using system again

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$ yumrepo install ifplugd
This program requires root access, run as root? (Y/n)
Use repository: freshrpms? (Y/n)n
Use repository: fedora-devel? (Y/n)n
Use repository: livna-testing? (Y/n)n
Use repository: atrpms-bleeding? (Y/n)n
Use repository: newsrpms? (Y/n)n
Use repository: fedora-us? (Y/n)n
Use repository: fedora? (Y/n)
Use repository: atrpms-testing? (Y/n)n
Use repository: atrpms-stable? (Y/n)n
Use repository: fedora-updates-testing? (Y/n)n
Use repository: livna-stable? (Y/n)n
Use repository: fedora-updates? (Y/n)n
Use repository: dries? (Y/n)n
Use repository: atrpms-good? (Y/n)n
Use repository: dag? (Y/n)y
Use repository: livna-unstable? (Y/n)n
Error getting repository data for fedora-devel, repository not found


Can't find a repo that I said no to :unsure:


Here is another question for you, is it possible to have them all default to "N" except "fedora" and "fedora-updates" ?

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I quite frankly am puzzled

I made myself a script which spits out all the options passed to it to replace yum itself........


This is what it says....


~ | yumrepo
This program requires root access, run as root? (Y/n)y
Use repository: dag? (Y/n)n
Use repository: dries? (Y/n)n
Use repository: fedora-us? (Y/n)n
Use repository: freshrpms? (Y/n)n
Use repository: livna-stable? (Y/n)n
Use repository: livna-testing? (Y/n)n
Use repository: livna-unstable? (Y/n)n
Use repository: newsrpms? (Y/n)n
im yum, i do stuff
['/usr/bin/yum', '--disablerepo=dag', '--disablerepo=dries', '--disablerepo=fedora-us', '--disablerepo=freshrpms', '--disablerepo=livna-stable', '--disablerepo=livna-testing', '--disablerepo=livna-unstable', '--disablerepo=newsrpms']


This is the script I am using for yumrepo

#! /usr/bin/env python

##  Yum Repository selection frontend
##  by iphitus  --  iphitus@gmail.com 

from sys import argv,exit
from os import listdir,getuid,execvp,system,wait
from optparse import OptionParser   

## Change this if this file is not named program_name
program_name = "yumrepo"
def main():

 arguments = argv[1:]
 ## Load list of repositories
 repolist = listdir("/etc/yum.repos.d")
 for f in repolist:
   if f[-5:] != ".repo":

 ## Load and parse command line options
 parser = OptionParser()
 parser.add_option("-l", "--list-repos", 
           action="store_true", dest="listrepos", help="List available repositories.")
 (options,args) = parser.parse_args()

 ## Check to see if root, if not, su then execute command again
 if getuid() != 0:
   getroot = raw_input("This program requires root access, run as root? (Y/n)")
   if getroot == "n" or getroot == "N":
     astring = " "
     for a in arguments:
       astring = astring+" "+a
     suargs = ["root","--command="+program_name+astring]

 ## Check command line options
 if options.listrepos:
   print "Available repositories are:"
   for r in repolist:
     print "  ",r[:-5]        
 ## Start offering repos 
 yum="yum "
 for f in repolist:      
   response = raw_input("Use repository: " + f[:-5] + "? (Y/n)")
   if response == "y" or response == "Y":
     yum = yum + "--enablerepo=" + f[:-5] + " "
   elif response == "n" or response == "N":
     yum = yum + "--disablerepo=" + f[:-5] + " "
     yum = yum + "--disablerepo=" + f[:-5] + " "

 ## Add other yum arguments    
 for a in arguments:
   if a[0] != "-" and a != "":
     yum=yum+" " + a

   ## Run Yum
if __name__ == "__main__":


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