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Fluxbox, I need help?


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Thank you ones again Luis 101, I download the one you toll me and it worked perfect. Now, how can I make the Desklets to show up when I go in to my Fluxbox. I'm not to sure if my startup file is working, How can I test that, to see if is working ? Do you have to change anything in your " init " file to point to the startup file.


Javi :D

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Ok you should just be able to put ' gdesklets & ' in the start up file here is what mine looks like,


# fluxbox startup-script:
# Lines starting with a '#' are ignored.

# You can set your favourite wallpaper here if you don't want
# to do it from your style.
# bsetbg -f ~/pictures/wallpaper.png
# This sets a black background

/usr/X11R6/bin/bsetroot -solid black

# This shows the fluxbox-splash-screen
# fbsetbg -C /usr/share/fluxbox/splash.jpg

# Other examples. Check man xset for details.
# Turn off beeps:
# xset -b
# Increase the keyboard repeat-rate:
# xset r rate 195 35
# Your own fonts-dir:
# xset +fp /home/zero/.font
# Your favourite mouse cursor:
# xsetroot -cursor_name right_ptr
# Change your keymap:
# xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

# Applications you want to run with fluxbox.
# unclutter -idle 2 &
# wmnd &
# wmsmixer -w &
# idesk &

# And last but not least we start fluxbox.
# Because it is the last app you have to run it with ''exec'' before it.
gaim &
Eterm -x -0 --trans --buttonbar 0 --scrollbar=off -f green &
Eterm -x -0 --trans --buttonbar 0 --scrollbar=off -f green &
acme &
gdesklets &

exec /usr/X11R6/bin/fluxbox
# or if you want to keep a log:
# exec /usr/X11R6/bin/fluxbox -log ~/.fluxbox/log


Remember to place the programs you want to run in the the right section, just make sure they go right before the ' exec/usr/X11/bin/fluxbox ' as you can see I have. Once again if typing in ' gdesklets & ' does not work try the following instead,


gdesklets GoodWeather.display &


This for sure would run the GoodWeather gdesklet. Hope this helps,



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I follow your instructions to the T, but I think is not working for me. I have exactly what you just quote as an example of your startup file in my ~/.fluxbox/ directory. When I login in Fluxbox I'm expecting to see the WeatherDisplay desklets to appear but nothing happen, nothing shows up. What do you think I'm doing wrong ?


Javi :wall:

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Try to run a normal gdesklet that you installed using urpmi for example open up Console and do this,


gdesklets<hit tab >


and see what comes up, this is what happeneds when I do it,


$ gdesklets


you should get something like this run any one you want just as long as it starts with ' gdesklets-add ...' what ever gdesklets you have installed. Then have that one running and open once again run the GoodWeather gdesklet then once you have atleast 2 running go back into the ~/.fluxbox/startup file and type in ' gdesklets & ' hit SAVE at the top and exit out and log out and back in, and see if they start. BTW are you making sure that you are hitting SAVE after you modify the file? Because if not then try what I told you in the other post ' gdesklets GoodWeather.display & ' and hit SAVE and try again.



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This is a snap shot of my terminal screen after I run the command you said;

[jmr0311@home-desktop jmr0311]$ gdesklets

























[jmr0311@home-desktop jmr0311]$ gdesklets


When I go to Fluxbox, the gDesklets doesn't start automtically, so I went to Eterm and type gdesklets and a little window pop-up of an error that I can't remember. Then I found in the menu of Fluxbox under system-monitoring, I found an entry call Gdesklets so I click on it and when I did that my Weather Desklet show up on the screen.



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Ok well when you are typing it in the fluxbox start menu are you doing ' gDesklets & ' or ' gdesklets & ' because if you do it your way ( which I have not tried ) it might not open make them all in lower-case letters and try again and see what happeneds. Try running the ' sysinfo ' gdesklet so from what you have provided above it will be,




then take the pointer away from the console windows and click somewhere they just don't sometimes open on their own you have to pretty much click and place them where you want them.



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I'm almost giving up at this point. I try that command in terminal but notthing happen. Does anybody know in the startup Fluxbox file, when you have this command in that file

gdesklets &

What this command is executing, lets say the file and the location of the file that is being executed. I want to understand what ny problem is.



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First you have to set up all the displays you want. Get into fluxbox then open Eterm or whatever and type




then take the pointer away from the console windows and click somewhere they just don't sometimes open on their own you have to pretty much click and place them where you want them.


Do the same for other displays you want. If you want to add displays that you get from somewhere else, you extract them and then go into the directory where you extracted them and install the necessary files. Then in the /usr/share/gdesklets/Displays directory, go inside the new subdirectory it created and do


gdesklets <<name of display>>


Once you get all the displays added that you want, gdesklets should run correctly with the gdesklets & command added to fluxbox's startup file.

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I'm doing as you mention Steve but I'm getting an error that says;


The display could not be added because the file does not  exist


When I was trying to get Gdesklets to install in my machine, I download so many different files ( rpm, tar,src, URPMI ) and install them in a desperation to try to solve my problem. But now I think because of all that gDesklets is having hard time finding the files. Do you guys agree with me ? I was thinking to complitelly remove gDesklets from my system and then re-install it from URPMI only. Maybe doing it this way will solve some or all of my problems.

When I install the sensor I gets this window; desklet-installed.gif

But when I do the display part is when I get the error.



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I'm getting this error :

Could not load sensor 'FontSelector'


An error occured while loading a sensor. This most likely means that the sensor is broken or simply not installed.


and also this one ;


Invalid display file '/home/jmr0311/.gdesklets/Displays/GoodWeather/GoodWeather.display'


The display file contains invalid data and could not be loaded.



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