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MAX 0.1 - coming next days


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Here just a quick feedback on SAM 0.1:

(They'll send me again to Munich (ggrrh), will be away til june,19)



Well done, Nico.


Problems and errors:


- While booting: error: "mount fs type sysfs not supported by kernel"

Solution: disable the service 'netfs' in MCC


- *Major* issue: the German nodeadkeys don't work, so you are not able to type: \ ~ @ | and so on.

This a known bug in mklivecd !(for many non US keyboards) There is a temp workaround, don't have the time to explain, please browse the livecd-users list (Nora's postings !).


- MCC --> software install/uninstall: you managed to break your urpmi database! Delete your urpmi sources, all! Rebuild the database. - Before you build your iso: as root, perform: updatedb


-- Software: starting Linneighborhood: error, does not come up.

-- Software: ROX, when starting error: can't find Icontheme blah blah



- Disable the following services or check if you really need them on a livecd:

crond, fam, hotplug, keytable, kheader, netfs, netplugd, partmon, random, syslog


- add a start message/startscreen to your livecd, that's a text/asci file, with certain limited dimension, you add this file with the option: --bootmsg /home/$user/name.of.file.here (this is an example) Take a look at the attached example, and keep exactly the dimension when you edit the text, otherwise it will scroll out of the visible screen while booting.

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Hi anna,


thank you very much!


- While booting: error: "mount fs type sysfs not supported by kernel"

Solution: disable the service 'netfs' in MCC




- MCC --> software install/uninstall: you managed to break your urpmi database! Delete your urpmi sources, all! Rebuild the database. - Before you build your iso: as root, perform: updatedb


That' s right. I only left out the /var/lib/rpm and /var/lib/urpmi to save space (around 100 MB!!). I don' t think this is a problem in using SAM as a live-CD. But I need them for myself on my installed SAM.


-- Software: starting Linneighborhood: error, does not come up.

-- Software: ROX, when starting error: can't find Icontheme blah blah


Fixed. There was another: the Firefox-link in the desktop-menu. Also fixed.


- add a start message/startscreen to your livecd, that's a text/asci file, with certain limited dimension, you add this file with the option: --bootmsg /home/$user/name.of.file.here (this is an example) Take a look at the attached example, and keep exactly the dimension when you edit the text, otherwise it will scroll out of the visible screen while booting.


It' s not ready yet, but I'm working on my own start-screen. But thanx for the tips!


- *Major* issue: the German nodeadkeys don't work, so you are not able to type: \ ~ @ | and so on.

This a known bug in mklivecd !(for many non US keyboards) There is a temp workaround, don't have the time to explain, please browse the livecd-users list (Nora's postings !).


Hm. Big problem. Ok I'm searching for a solution. Thanx again. Didnt see it.


Ok maybe tomorrow there will be a fixed version of SAM on SAM Homepage


Good night, I have to work... ;)

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Good evening!


Now SAM v0.2 is ready for download!


Most important new feature: localized now for both german AND english!!!


And: Forums are online!


Have fun!



Greetings from germany,


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Hi, I'm a french user of mklivecd.


I have built a french mini live-cd based on kde.

What about this error message "mount fs type sysfs not supported by kernel". I have disabled the service 'netfs' but this message appears again while booting.



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Its a problem of mklivecd. The actual version works with kernel 2.6. Sysfs is a filesystem only supported by kernel 2.6. The mklivecd-scripts build the fstab-entry around sysfs (if I did understand what someone told me). So if u use kernel 2.4, the error occurs. But thats no problem because nothing will happen.

If you want to change this error, you have to change the mklivecd-scripts. But dont ask me how....

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  • 4 weeks later...
Short info:

SAM 0.5 released, now it can be installed on hdd. See http://sam.hipsurfer.com


Looks great! I see you use XFCE and Rox-Filer?


Is there an English translation or version of the LiveCD available?


Edit: woops, sorry, I should learn to read the posts before commenting... :o I see there's an English version as well.

Edited by Darkelve
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