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Thinking about buying SuSe 9.1

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I don't think it's really illigal, just 'dubious' because of licensing requirements and doubts about that. I think these distro's just have too little cash to get into trouble for that, so they decide to avoid this trouble alltogether.


When the user HIMSELF downloads it, of course it's not their responsability anymore.


If I'm dead wrong, someone correct me please.

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Just an update: I ordered SuSe 9.1 Professional; I'll probably have it next week.


I'll be sure to post a kind of a mini-review. Oh and I think you can expect some questions from me here then... :P



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I have not tried Suse, but from looking at the packaging it looks pretty much like Mandrake that they charge you a pretty penny for and there is not nearly as much forum support for Suse.  I am sure it is a fine distro but I don't get what advantage it is personally going to do for me other than lighten my wallet?


Seriously i have reasons to use each distro I use but suse never tempted me.

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I have not tried Suse, but from looking at the packaging it looks pretty much like Mandrake that they charge you a pretty penny for and there is not nearly as much forum support for Suse.  I am sure it is a fine distro but I don't get what advantage it is personally going to do for me other than lighten my wallet?


Seriously i have reasons to use each distro I use but suse never tempted me.

I "used" to use SUSE the most and there is help out there, no were near the help that there is in mdk, but then you have to ask your self is there a reason for that? :o




SUSE a fine distro, in the past I would rather run in than mdk, but that doesn't make me correct, because now I don't care to run either one. :unsure:

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I have not tried Suse, but from looking at the packaging it looks pretty much like Mandrake that they charge you a pretty penny for and there is not nearly as much forum support for Suse.  I am sure it is a fine distro but I don't get what advantage it is personally going to do for me other than lighten my wallet?


Seriously i have reasons to use each distro I use but suse never tempted me.

I "used" to use SUSE the most and there is help out there, no were near the help that there is in mdk, but then you have to ask your self is there a reason for that? :o




SUSE a fine distro, in the past I would rather run in than mdk, but that doesn't make me correct, because now I don't care to run either one. :unsure:

Good points everyone.


However, there is one point that is important to me also that you probably do not know about:


In SuSe I can get ALL of my hardware to work! I mean painlessly (well, the LiveCD could do that)


And believe me, I have tried a few distro's already...

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I finally had the chance to play with SuSe 9.1 LiveCD yesterday!


Suse is cool :cool:


As I expected, all of my hardware worked. Well, with 2 small inconveniences:


1. The system, while trying to receive a DHCP request from my Wireless Ethernet Bridge/Router, waited for a few secs and then went saying 'no IP address received yet... backgrounding'. Which worried me a bit, but when the system started I had a connection nevertheless


2. My sound did not funtion. An excellent occasion to try out the widely-hyped YAST. I brought it up and let YAST autodetect it from me. The information seemed to be loaded from some kind of hardware database/list. Sure enough, it went smooth and after some time, I had working sound.


The default desktop lay-out is nice, but the fonts aren't up to par with Mandrake's. They're not that bad actually, I could get used to it. But Mandrake still remains the leader to me in this area. Taskbar is made somewhat smaller and centered in the middle. When windows are opened full-screen, they take the whole width of the screen minus the taskbar at the bottom. Felt intuitive to me. The organization in the KDE control center is the most logical one I have seen yet. Customizing my desktop with different background, window decoration, transparency, ... was a breeze.


I had some fun with the apps included as well. Frozen Bubble launched Full-screen and this behaviour scared me a bit, as this 'behaviour' often spelled trouble for me in the past (either messing up my screen or forcing me to Ctrl+Alt+Del). It did not give any problems now, but it might easily confuse users. Far better to let it default in 'windowed' mode, if you ask me.


So did everything went smooth? Well, not everything:


- I tried to mount my local windows FAT-drives by making a directory in /mnt/ and mounting it on that directory. But even as root, I was disallowed to make a directory!? Something to do with the LiveCD concept I guess. When I saved a screenshot, I noticed it was saved in /home/linux, so I assumed this directory at least was writable. And so it was. I made a mount point /home/linux/win_d/ which I then used to mount my Windows D drive and let Xmms play some of my MP3's


- When loading Yast and other programs, I noticed that the system was DOG slow. I mean like, really irritating. Switching to different windows etc. was still a snap but loading programs was like, *yawn*.


Yet I've got an AMD Athlon XP 2100+ with 256MB RAM. I cannot seem to explain this behaviour, except that I used a 700MB CD-RW this time. Specs on the disk: 1-2 & 4x Speed CD Rewritable (Maxell). Could this be the reason? That would explain the constant spinning of the CD as well.


So SuSe looks good, Yast looks excellent, all my hardware is detected, system is very usable and responsive (except for the slowness) and makes sense. Only thing I'm a bit disappointed about are the fonts, but oh well...


I'm waiting with excitement to get my pro box on thursday or friday!



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as far as fonts, go and change them, use bitstream vera fonts or something.


whats your cd drive speed? once it is installed to the hd, it will be faster.

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Cybr, you're right! Vera Bitstream is a LOT better. And I don't know what was wrong with my CD-Rom drive yesterday, today I don't have problems at all! Smooth sailing as they say...


Anyway, posting a screenshot here. I got a nice desktop together, I just wish I could make the taskbar borders go away. Oh well, when I get it I think I'll settle for a nice MacOSX-style taskbar.


Of course that's not the graphical version of Yast you see. I just got curious and started it from console. Pretty cute.


And I wish they included Firefox instead of Konqueror. But oh well, it's on the CD's :D

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kde is funky about transparent kicker, you just have to play with the settings, everytime you switch it, you need to do the transparent radio button again, I think. I don't use kde much but play with it time to time.

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Of course that's not the graphical version of Yast you see. I just got curious and started it from console. Pretty cute.


And I wish they included Firefox instead of Konqueror. But oh well, it's on the CD's :D

gotta love suse!

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Of course that's not the graphical version of Yast you see. I just got curious and started it from console. Pretty cute.


And I wish they included Firefox instead of Konqueror. But oh well, it's on the CD's :D

gotta love suse!

Thunderbird is included as well ;)

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