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Uninstall Firefox0.8


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I downloaded and installed Mozilla-Firefox0.8, and now I want to uninstall it. It is a .tar.gz. Is there a command to do this like there is for rpm (rpm -e nameofpackage)?

Do I have to do it as root (i.e. su to root)? Do I have to be in the directory where the extracted folder/directory is ?


Is there a "gui" way to uninstall it?


[NOTE:I really like Firefox, but chose it as a demonstration for a few people moving from Windows to Mandrake (in my montly Linux 101 class). I downloaded and installed Opera as a static RPM, then used the above command to uninstall it.

What I tried to uninstall Firefox did not work (I got a command from another website that had a command lines link for tars).

The class I'm teaching is designed to do almost everything the "GUI" way because most average Windows converts either dislike command lines (hated DOS) or have never used a command line and fear them. It is a "nontechie" approach to encourage the "Average Joe and Jill" to move away from Billy Gates and move to a "comfortable" Linux platform that won't scare them. I will reinstall Firefox tomorrow.]




Richard L.

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Merci, Ghil...


Je suis de Houston, mais j'aime beaucoup de visiter le Montréal et la ville de Québec la première semaine de juillet en été. Ce sont mes villes favorites en Amérique.


Richard L.


[Thanks, Ghil...I like visiting Montreal and Quebec city each summer during the first week of July (Jazz and art festivals, etc.). They are my favorite cities in America.]

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