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SSH and mounting


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Is it possible to "mount a network drive" in Linux like one can in Windows? If so, is that the Linux name for it? I have some space on a box to which I can ssh and I'd like to make it so I don't have to login with scp everytime I want to transfer things.

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The easiest way is NFS mounts....

You export from the server and mount from the client.


However nfs isn't considered secure ...

You can use FISH ... which is a share over ssh.....


or if you need to share with windows machines you can use SAMBA


I'd recommend a bit of working out what you wanna do, is speed more important than security etc.

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it certainly is, you just put a line in your fstab like you would to mount anything else, or you can use smbmount.


i think the line you use is something like:


//serveraddr /mount/point smbfs some,options,here some,numbers,here


The best bet would be to do it using the mandrake control centre, there is a samba mount points utility somewhere, i just can't remember what subsection its in, good luck!

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Speed is a larger priority than security in this case. Question is, do I need to have the owner of the box do anything? They want to keep the box as a whole secure, so they wouldn't want to run anything that would compromise the whole box. I'm just saying I don't care about what's in my shared folder. :)



I won't need samba, as it's a linux box. So what should I be looking up (for I think I'll just need to RTFM)? 'fstab mount network' or something?

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no, except you might not have the nfs server installed on the server.


in your server


/dir/to/export <clients>,<options>


Assuming you have a directory called /exports on the server and the client has /mnt/shared


<clients can be by ip/domain etc. for example if ytour internal network is with a netmask>


/exports, rw


then exportfs -ra

this rereads the exports and reexports them


on the client

mount /mnt/shared




To mount automatically at boot and the entry to your /etc/fstab

copy a previous entry, type =nfs

instead of /dev/hda1 etc use


thats it!!!


except for file permissions and stuff.

If your servername is resolvable from the clients you can use servername instead of the IP.

Directories inherit permissions, so if you create it as root only root will get write priv's even though you set it rw

Easiest way is to make a user group and put users in that group and give the export directory group ownership

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