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Web browser security setup - can't access [solved]


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Just loaded 2010.2, and am having problems with accessing web pages. I have the firewall off, and seem to have no problems with pages that are not secure. Secure log-in pages, such as for eBay, won't load. I can get some of them finally with Chromium (in an unformatted state), but none at all with Firefox. Not sure if it is a security set-up issue, or if there are some plug-ins that are required. Do I need to add user permissions, or alter the setup in some way? I was running 2008 previously, and did not have this problem.


Suggestions appreciated. I think I am most of the way there on this install, but have a few bumps to get over to get the system really usable.


Thanks -- Roger


[moved from Installing Mandriva by spinynorman]

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It was not set at standard, but is now. Still have the same problem, though. I actually found a post from several years ago about having to change the max system MTU from 1500 to 1492 in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to make my modem work. Forgot how to file edit and use kdesu, so some homework will be necessary......


thanks -- Roger

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