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Posts posted by Cannonfodder
Here's a MUB faq I wrote a while back. might help..
That's very good advice!
I really dont have an answer, just suggesting investigative work... let us know how you made out..
If i got you right, you want to limit internet access to specific users? Is that your goal?
Try some tests such as deleting your user mozilla folder and see if it recreates the user folder. The goal is to confirm it is really going there and not to a copy somewhere else?
Might want to post your hardware specs, your drive partitioning scheme (if you have one). Also, did you checksum your CD's with md5sum?
Do you know how the makefile is formatted? Understand the rules? If not, spend some time on it, read man, read examples. It's all in the rules section..
For those of you who don't read /. every 5 minutes, I noticed this..
Haven't tried it, just saw it, looks interesting..
This has always worked good for me when I want to cp a partition..
cp -pax {source} {dest}
I'm no fan of a mv command when dealing with a large set of files :) *replay* WHERE ARE MY FILES???? WHERE DID THEY GO???
Could your cable ISP be blockig port 24 (think its 24). I've read other postings complaining of this..
Might want to check sourceforge.org and search for
pdf server
Here's an example.. although it may not fit your needs the code is available.
for more info on this, do a search above on
fstab lilo partition
Basically your boot loader was expecting the partitions to have a certain number. When you made new partitions, you altered the order of the partitions so that partition 1 became partition 2 so on..
Now the lilo.conf file describes where to find each partition. Running lilo program will execute any changes you make to bring things back in line.
You can boot off of Mandrake CD1, hit F1, and type rescue to get to your linux system.
I've done exactly the same thing :) That's what prompted my post
Just to double-check, did your install cd's checksum ok with md5um?
I use separate partitions, it makes backup with partition imaging easier..
If you have your urpmi sources setup, you can do a
urpmi kernel
and you will see the sources in it. Make sure your kernel version matches the source version or you will have issues..
These new digital hearing aids make all the difference here. I have like a 70% hearing loss and they do wonders. Doesn't take much to lose it though due to background. Good luck with your pointers.. :)
See? We don't need no stinking arrays !
I hear you on the foreign language teachers. It sucks! I tried to take lisp once with a teacher from Pakistan. Between his accent and my hearing loss, it was a no go furious3
Try sitting down with a piece of paper and a bunch of random single letters. Then make a circle for the first one. That's the head of the list. Let's say its an M. Then grab the next letter, an L. L is less than M so the next node you create is under M and pointed too by the lesserPtr (left side).
The next letter is P. You start at the head of the tree (M). Is greater than M, so you point M's greaterPtr at P. At this point yoiu should have a 3 node tree. M on top and L to the left and P to the right. Looks like a tree.
Now add O. Start with M. O > M right. Follow tree down one on right. O < P. Since P's lesserPtr is NULL, make a new node and point P.lesserPtr at it.
If you play with this, the rules are
start at the top
follow down, going left or right (lesser or greater) until you hit the end of a branch.
When you are done, you are sorted..
Now retrieve sort. Start at top and go lesserPtr as far as you can go. When you hit NULL in the lesserPtr, you have your first entry. Now backup one ptr. Go right (greater) and then go left again until you hit null. Just repeat that pattern and the retrieved entries should be sorted.
Here is an example of recursion..
function travelTree(pointer myPtr) if myPtr.lesserPtr = NULL print(myPtr.dataPtr.value) else travelTree(myPtr.lesserPtr) * Now do right pointer travelTree(myPtr.greaterPtr) end endfunc
If you sit with paper and follow this through, you will see that on traveling down a tree on the left (lesser), it keeps calling itself and passing in the lesserptr for the current node until it hits NULL. At this point you have a stack of function calls placed one on top of another like a stack of plates. When it reaches the bottom and prints the value, it will then start returning to the prior calls and each time will execute the next call passing in the greaterPtr.
It's a bit tricky conceptually. Just gotta slow down and sketch it on paper conceptually and once you get the rules it will become easy to program.
One idea is to build a new linked list that co-exists with the original list. The original isn't touched. The new linked list will be sorted. This list will consist totally of pointer objects.
Some sort algorithms you can take a google peek at are btree or quicksort. quicksort is supposely one of the fastest sort algorithms. Be a good exercise for you to learn how to use it.
Now that I'm thinking about this. A sort pointer node would consist of
dataptr would point to the actual data.
lesserPtr would point to a node that contains data that sorts lesser than the current nodes data.
greaterptr would point to a node that contains data that sorts greater than the current nodes data.
Once the tree is built, you can retrieve the sorted data by following a lessPtr to the end and then follow the greaterptr.
Draw it on paper..
If you haven't already, you should look at the concept of recursion. Recursion is when a method calls itself until some condition is met. Recursion and linked lists go hand in hand like butter on toast. They are very useful for traversing linked list since you are basically passing pointer values and continuing until you hit a NULL pointer.
Ask questions if you are not getting this..
Try doing a google on
linux telnet character set
There seems to be alot of material up there on this topic including some mention of the kermit telnet project and terminal types it supports..
also wondering about hdparm. Could your devices dma settings be off?
Java Keyboard input character problem
in Command Line, Kernel and Programming
I'm not a java dude, but is the key input routine you are using designed to return ascii or unicode? If ascii it will always return a value between 0-255. If unicode, it will return a two byte char. Do some googling on code tables for more info. Basically, you press a key and if it goes throug a code table, it gets converted to the character set you are using. So char 13 = this in one char set, and that in another char set. But if no char set is involved or the key routine isn't expected to use them then its ascii..