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Posts posted by PeterPanic

  1. Usually, of course, I don't want that. But I use some web community sites, e.g., that, whenever I close one of their windows (which I REALLY want to close) pops up a JavaScript alert "Do you really want to close this? You won't be informed about new messages any more!" [Yes] [No] ... Grrrrrrr! I hate having to press Yes... Turning off JavaScript would be an option, if I'd like to use firefox like in stone age... I also could use the Greasymonkey extension to remove this part of the script. But to write a script against every annoying script seems to be more work than benefit.


    I'm looking for a simple solution for various dialog boxes. Some kind of Window-Opening-triggered keyboard macro player.


    Using it to reveal secret personal data to such companies is a totally different question. I wouldn't.

  2. Hi. Currently I'm annoyed by a bug in Firefox/Minefield and look for a workaround (I know I could use a FF version without the bug, but that's not the question ^^) and also a generic tool to do as follows:


    If a window (e.g. popup dialogue) appears on X that has a specified title, focus it and type in some keys, e.g. "PeterPanic" [tab] "password" [tab][cr] ... This would help replying to annoying popups as well as fill in some data or passwords.


    If I saw correctly, kwallet only supports programs that use it actively.




  3. Try using gksu/gksudo or an existing GUI password dialog box (there's a couple more, a gnome one and a kde one at least) that's designed for this.

    Yes, but is any of them installed with every Mandriva - no matter what window manager I use?


    And... doest that mean, there's no way to use su? The other thing is: I'd like to run some commands as root and some as a normal user, so if I could use su I could just issue one command as root and the otherone normally. Perhaps I'll use sudo and configure it from a bash script... :-( Hmmm...

  4. Hi.


    I'm just writing a script that adds a new User in Linux, samba, mysql and in a record in a mysql-db. This script obviously has to be run as root. I am aware of the security issues when saving a root password in a bash variable, but I guess typing it over and over again isn't much less secure. And this post isn't about the security aspect, so please try and help me with the real question.


    In a pure bash environment I can use the following code to look if I'm root, and if not, restart the same script with "su"


    if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
     echo "Please, type root's password..."
     su -c "$0 $@"
    # rest of program here...


    This will cause su to ask the user for the password.


    Now I want to run this in a graphical environment. Of course, I can use "kdesu" instead of "su", but I'm not sure, kdesu is even there. But there is zenity. Now I tried:

    if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
     rootpw=`zenity --title="Root-Password" --text='Please, type root's password...' --hide-text="" --entry`
     echo $PASSWD | su -c "$0 $@"
    # rest of program here...


    But su responds with "standard in must be a tty".


    sudo on the other hand doesn't seem to have the same problem, so e.g. in Ubuntu this works fine, as the user is always a sudoer. But by default sudo isn't installed in Mandriva 2008 and the user is no sudoer, so my script won't work on the servers I maintain without installing and configuring sudo first or installing kdesu...


    So: Is there any way to execute a bash script as a user, having zenity ask for the root PW and execute something with this PW which is stored in a variable?


    Thanks a lot.



  5. Hi!


    Core dumps are are a sign that some of your applications or your kernel has serious problems

    Hmmm... In my case I only have them with xine, when playing corrupted/unsupported videos (from Mandriva 10.0 to 2007.0) and with PlaneShift (nice 3d game, no chance to change versions, but you usually don't mind if games with 0.x.x versions have such glitches)

    So - No "serious problems" and nothing with the kernel.

    Of course, if that would be a cooker station or a server, you'd be totally right, but many Linux PCs are desktop workstations or multimedia/gaming things, so people aren't so much interested in analyzing slight glitches. Of course, awareness is important, but I don't want to spend my whole life with analyzing and correcting bugs in programs I didn't write :-)


    Every time I have started to see core dumps the first thing I did was to download the very latest up updates and if there were none available then I usually deleted the most recent updates one at a time going back to an earlier update.

    Well, as above. I never had any core dumps with anything else. I'm using relatively stable versions (no cooker), I use the standard kernel. The only problem I had were -in fact - the core dumps. Of course, if hey had 10kB with text description of what happened, not a CD full of data for every time a program ends (in case of PlaneShift), they would be helpful, but the way they are, I just write cronjobs or change the scripts of the programs to automatically delete them and I never see them at all. If I don't delete them, they crash my applications or my plans when the partitions fill up. (Happened to me after starting PlaneShift for a week, everything crashed, as the core dumps took 13 of the 14 GB of the Partition, the "real" content was the other 1 GB...)


    In EVERY case of core dumps, using one or the other methods got rid of the core dumps.

    Every time I experienced core dumps it was after either new packages or updates were installed.

    Well, different experiences. I don't doubt what you say, as I really appreciate your postings and almost admire your knowledge, but as I said: Not for mein this case. And obviously not for SuSE, Debian and many other Distributions, as most websites I found talk about: "How to temporarily ENable core dumps IF you are a programmer and want them"... I don't know many people that can analyze core dumps and I'm glad I found this thread here (in my "home" forum) which helped me getting rid of them.


    FFII you have a problem so please don't try to bypass it.

    Well, perhaps it's as few a problem as mine with PS and xine...





  6. Maybe, but thanks for the help. I'm not really new to Linux or Programming, but core dumps for anyone except the programmer himself are just a nuisance. I'm playing Planeshift and everytime the program is Quit (even the normal way) I lose 500MB to a core dump. That makes 14 GB a month *G*... And everything crashed when the partition was ful.


    By the way: NO other distro I know of has active core dumps as a default. If you google for "core dump", you'll find xx pages that show how to ENable them, if you are a programmer and need them.


    But Tyme's answers aren't really helpful. You can't expect 99.9% of all Linux users (The ones who don't want to analyze ram dumps) to change header files and recompile the kernel.




  7. The first thing I'd try would be to turn off Clam AV. I guess if you download a x GB file Clam will try to scan it for viri before it touches the hard disc. I always wondered why we have scanners for windows viri on our linux boxes by default now... That's like having an airbag on a kitchen sink. :-)



  8. Hi all!

    Well, meanwhile there are many (GL) screensavers that do slideshows, but only with those stupid mandriva penguin cooks, surfers and so on... How do I change the path to the images that are displayed by all those screensavers? Or simply: What IS the path? I could put links to my pics there of course...


    Thanks a lot.



    EDIT: Found it! :-) It's in /usr/share/mdk/screensaver ... So, I copied some pics in and it looks a lot better :-D

  9. I can't remember maybe I read it in the club forums.

    I don't have a list but I used to keep a tips & tricks directory copy-pasted from forums.

    Used to? :-) Does that mean you don't have it any more? This would be a treasure to many people. I'll try to find some Tricks and post them here. In the end now I can search for "KmenuUseMdvIcon" and see what related things I find.

    Thanks again.


  10. Hi, you can add into kickerrc



    Wow! That worked. How did you figure out (besides that you are the genius Dexter... :-) ) ? OK, now I can tyr to find out how to "usually" change the icon...


    Thanks a lot.


    Are there more "Make Mandriva work like standard" options we should know about? :-) A list perhaps?




  11. How can I change the "Yellow Star" Icon?

    OK, I know by now that I could overwrite menuk-mdk.png in my theme folders, but there has to be some config file containing the name "menuk-mdk.png" itself which I could change... No? I tried grep in my .kde/share/config dir, but no menuk-mdk.png ... It's gotta be somewhere :-)


    And why isn't that a standard config option in MCC or the KDE CC (OK, rethorical question, you aren't responsible, I guess... ;D )


    Is there any "theme designer" RPM out there which could do the job inside a theme?





  12. Just found out how to change some of them. Edit ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals Section [smallIcons] Item "Size=16" to 32 e.g.

    This changes the lower part of the icons (LogOut, Run, ...)

    Will now look for the other ones.

    This works in Mandriva 2006.





  13. Hi! I just wanted to let you know I got exactly the same problem with mcc (drakups). Same message, same maufacturer. The file /etc/ups/ups.conf ends with the detected UPS device, but with



    The Comments in the file say I have to use one of the drivers listed there, but how do I know which one works? I got an APC Back-UPS CS 500 ... Perhaps someone can give me a hint. Otherwise I'll try apcupsd, too.




  14. Hmm... Just having a similar proble here with a Mandriva 2006 DVD from a Linux Magazine.


    Statistics: :cheesy:

    I'm a professional Linux Admin, Experiences wit Mandy from 7...8...9..10..10.1...10.2 (05) and now installed this 2006 on 2 Notebooks and one Tower before fromt the same DVD and worked fine (except for LAN problems I'll post in an other thresd).


    Now I put a DVD drive and a new 200GB HD in my own PC (never had a DVD drive myself before... :cry: ) and booted the 2006 DVD. Booting works fine, but no option will help. When "loading program into memory", it stops when half finished and says something about "bad sectors" in the log (Alt+F3/4) ...


    I'll try some more Options and post the exact error soon...


    BTW: I'm now here with Knoppix 4.0CD and it works fine. Of course, it could be a DVD Problem (as this is my only DVD :-( ) or trouble with the new hdd... Or: The DVD got a scratch after the other installs... Hmmm... As I said: I'll try and post...

    If any of you know anything, please help :-)


    Hardware: see sig (Everything quite old and works fine since 9.2 ... up to 10.2)

    New Hardware: MAxtor 200Gig Hdd, AOpen DVD-RW, everything standard.


    Thanks for reading my heap of letters.





  15. Well, a "normal" Installation will fit on 3GB without problems.. With millions of things installed. And with a 2GB /home-Partition :-)


    Of course, you should only select the packages you need (OK, as a newbie you won't know what you need, so better let things unchanged...) - And when your needs change (i.e. some Software or Forum says you should install package xyz.rpm, you can choose to do that afterwards. And if you find some package not to be as cool as you imagined, uninstall it (e.g. I uninstalled some games because they didn't really fascinate me for long...)


    Just don't click on the "all" checkbox (not even "all" Games or "all" Office) when installing.


    If you want to know if you need a certain package before installing it, search or ask here.





  16. Just try

    ls -mw100000 > list.txt


    (or "man ls" :D )

    The -w -Option will let you set the width of the lines. Just set it to infinity and you'll get what you want.


    echo * > list.txt

    should do almost the same.


    There, of course, are even more complex things you can do with gawk and sed... To format the list differently...





  17. OK... I've come so far to this code:

    #konsole must have been started with the option "--script"
    #if I didn't, I couldn't use "sendSession"...
    # get the root pw in a variable
    password=$(kdialog --password "Please enter the ROOT password:")
    # get last opened konsole in variable $kon
    kon=$(dcop "konsole*" | tail -1)
    # open a new tab and assign its name to $tab
    tab=$(dcop $kon konsole newSession)
    # now I can use the variables and the "sendSession" command.
    dcop $kon $tab sendSession "echo Hello, World!"


    This works! Thanks to your help. I wouldn't even have found dcop at all.


    BUT: Now I opened a tab as a normal user. I'd like to become root in that tab and open the syslog as root. The bad thing is that you can't echo a variable to su... su always wants to get input from a tty, so that I'd have to enter the root pw again and again (I want to repeat the last three commands for various log files each in a new tab as root.)


    Closing the log (Ctrl+C) should close the tab, as usual. It would have to be a command like

    echo $password > su -c "tail -60f /var/log/syslog"

    but, as I said, that won't work.


    Can someone help again?


    BTW: I'm using XFce4, not KDE, but konsole and dcop work fine without KDE. dcop works with all running KDE applications... and konsole is one :-)



  18. Hi!

    My latest problem:

    We develop Java software using eclipse. Windows users log in using Samba. I configured samba so that files and directories created by those users will have mode 777. This makes files used/created by samba users in the share open for all other samba users to modify.

    So, no problem there.


    But if one user sits locally at the samba server and edits the files, the mode gets changed according to the umask (this is true for new created files, but eclipse tends to delete files and write them from scratch when modifying...) - usually 022, which means, that other users, e.g. the samba win users can't modify the files any more.


    OK, I could set the global umask of the local linux users to 000, but I don't want this for all directories, only for the samba share (/var/development)... I could have a cron job with "chmod 777 -R /var/development" every minute, but that's not very clever...


    I thought about accessing the local files via a samba mount... Gonna try this, but that's not the best solution, too...


    Is there a way to tell linux that all files created by user X in driectory Y should get umask 000?


    Hope you can help...




  19. Hi all!

    Here's a hard one :-)

    How do I start multiple tabs in one (!) konsole from a script? I looked everywhere, but didn't find a solution.

    if i do

    konsole -e command1 &
    konsole -e command2 &

    I get two seperate konsole windows, not two tabs in one window...


    And "konsole -e command1 -e command2" doesn't work, too.


    And to make the question more complex:

    How do I start multiple tabs with some being root and some being user while only entering the root-pw once... Why? Because I got a loooong and secure root pw and when I login on our company server I want to have "tail -f" on about 5 logs as root, have one root shell to work and two user shells to work as user... :-) And it would be nice to have all those terminals as tabs in a konsole (or any other terminal that supports tabs)


    Or - if it won't work in a script: how do I spawn a new tab from the current one with a command (keeping the user! As I mentioned, I wouldn't like to re-enter my root pw that often...)


    Thanks for your help.


    Panic. (No, not you, me.)

  20. BY the way: As far as I know all common display managers (login windows) allow to log in as root without setting anything to non standard. There's just no "root" with a nice picture in the list, but you can type the word "root" as a user name and your password in the password field, can't you.


    And yes, it IS a real bad idea to start X as root. Especially if you have internet access on that pc... Use "su" to become root in any terminal and learn to use the terminals. It's really worth it. By the way: You have come so far that MCC and Webmin don't help you any more and you believe to need to edit config files as root... Then you should also be "good enough" to start an editor such as nedit or kate in the command line and open files with them :-)


    If you need further help on the basic terminal commands, tell us.





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