Revision / Modified: Mar. 15, 2002
Author: Tom Berger

Original documents:
http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/basics/brpm.html http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/basics/brpm2.html http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/basics/brpm3.html http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/basics/brpm4.html http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/basics/brpm5.html

What Is RPM?

RPM is short for Red Hat Package Manager. First used by the Red Hat Linux distribution (obviously ;)), it is now the package format of choice for most major distributors: SuSE, Caldera, Conectiva and - of course - Mandrakesoft, to name a few.

What is a 'package', then? A package is an archive: it contains all the files which belong to a certain application, program library or whatever the package name indicates. Think of an ZIP or an TAR archive. But apart from this (compressed) archive, the package also contains control scripts. These control scripts are read, executed and stored by the local RPM installation and handle things like installation, deinstallation, status checking, dependencies etc.
Packages are built by package maintainers using a so-called 'specfile' (specification file) which determines where the files of a package are going to be installed to, which other packages are needed by the package in order to work correctly, what programs to execute before or after installing or uninstalling a package, but also information on who built the package and when, a description of the purpose of the content of the package and much more.

In order to work efficiently, RPM needs to keep track of which packages are installed on a system. This database is located in '/var/lib/rpm'. As you will see, this database also allows you to extract lots of useful information about installed programs.

What RPM Does For You

Among the things RPM and the package maintainer do for you are:

What RPM Does Not Do For You

Like every tool, RPM has its limitations:

Although RPM is by no means perfect, it is a very versatile tool, all the more when used in conjunction with extensions like 'urpmi'.


Graphical Package Managers

I'm not going to discuss the handling of graphical package managers like Mandrake Linux' Software Manager, GnoRPM or KPackage here. They come with their own extensive online help. Furthermore will understanding the basics of the RPM system enable you to handle all of them.

Check out the Linux Demo and Tutorial Center for animated guides to KPackage and the Software Manager. The official Mandrake Linux 'Installation and User Guide' also dedicates a complete chapter to Package Management with the Software Manager.

Package Names

The name of an RPM consists of three parts: the archive name, the archive version number and the version number of the package.
Thus 'mc-4.5.51-7mdk.rpm' means: 'This package contains an archive called 'mc', version 4.5.51. It is the seventh revision of this particular package.' 'mdk' denotes the distribution (not mandatory).

Why an extra number for the package version? Packaging is a complex process. Sometimes the packager may overlook some detail and has to come up with a fixed package. Or maybe he or she just has discovered a way to make the package better. The package version number allows upgrading packages which contain the same version of an archive. Notice that a package version number can consist of two parts, separated by a full stop. This usually signifies a package which has been updated for security reasons.

Sooner or later you will encounter packages like 'mc-4.5.51-7mdk.src.rpm. These are Source RPMs. Unless you know what these are and how to handle them, they are of no use for you.

Archive Name Or File Name?

RPM discriminates between a not-installed and an installed package.
Operations on a not-installed package require the full file name as the argument to the RPM command, like

rpm -i mc-4.5.51-7mdk.rpm

to install the package 'mc-4.5.51-7mdk.rpm' on the local system.

If you are doing something involving an installed package, however, its archive name is required:

rpm -e mc

erases the package containing the 'mc' archive from the system. This works because you can't install two RPMs with the same archive name on the same system.
If you are trying to do something like

rpm -e mc-4.5.51-7mdk.rpm

you will get

error: package mc-4.5.51-7mdk.rpm is not installed

even if the package is installed.

Common Operations

RPM accepts a sackful of options. Thankfully it is pretty obvious from their names what they do.
Most options come in two flavors: a long option and a short option. The long option features two hyphens and the full option name, the short one hyphen and - in most cases - the first character of the full option. Of course you only have to provide one option form, i.e. either rpm --install package or rpm -i package.

If the argument to RPM is a file name, you can use globbing patterns to specify a set of files, e.g.:

rpm -i bla*

will install all packages in the current directory which begin with the string 'bla'. Operations which require the archive name, however, do not accept them:

rpm -e *gtk*
error: package *gtk* is not installed

Remember that RPM doesn't care whether not-installed packages are on a local file system or on a remote web or FTP server. Every operation on a not-installed package can be done remotely by supplying the full URL to the package(s):

rpm -qpi ftp://ftp.server.com/RPMS/bla*

gets the descriptions from all packages starting with 'bla' which are located in the 'RPMS' directory on ftp.server.com.

Installing, Upgrading, Removing

All of these commands require 'root' privileges.

There are two special modifiers used in conjunctions with these options, '--test' and '--verbose' (or '-v').

'--test' only executes the command 'as if': that is you get all the messages RPM usually produces, but the command itself is not executed. This modifier has no short option.

'--verbose' ('-v') increases the amount of output RPM displays on the screen. This is especially useful in case of errors or together with the '--test' modifier. Adding another '-v' ('-vv') increases the level of verbosity even more.


These commands do not require 'root' privileges. Notice that when you are querying not-installed packages, you have to add the '-p' option to the '-q' option.

Advanced Querying

Using additional utilities and the somewhat awkward '--queryformat' option, there's almost nothing you can't find out about a package or the local RPM database.

Looking For Installed Packages Matching A Pattern

A common problem: you want to check if a package is installed, but you don't remember it's exact name (or are too lazy to type it). Use

rpm -qa | grep -i pattern

This is a so-called pipe with the grep command (the '-i' option makes the search case insensitive). So, a command like

rpm -qa | grep -i xfree

will return a list of all installed packages with the string 'xfree' in them, regardless of capitalization.

Looking For A File In Uninstalled Packages

Another common problem: which package contains a certain file? Put your Mandrake CD into your drive (let's say it's '/mnt/cdrom') and type

for i in /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm ; do rpm -qpli $i | grep filename && echo $i ; done

This for-do loop will return the name of the package which contains filename, if there is such a package on the CD. That's a tad tedious, advanced queries usually should be performed using the Mandrake Linux 'urpm' tools to be introduced on the next page.

Listing Installed Packages By Installation Size

If you've cared to read the introduction on the first page, you already know that RPMs are made with the help of spec files. The '--queryformat' option allows you to query each spec file field of any given RPM separately and in any preferred order. Enter

rpm --querytags

to get a list of all valid fields. The formatting is a bit complicated and best explained by means of an example.
Imagine you are short on disk space and want a list of all installed packages sorted by size to find out which package would be best to uninstall. This is what the command (one line) would look like:

rpm -qa --queryformat '%{name} %{size}\n' | sort -n +1 | column -t

Tough one, eh? ;) The first part does all the work: querying all packages by the 'querytags' 'name' and 'size' only (have to be enclosed in '%{[tag]}'). Since the 'querytags' string contains spaces, it has to be enclosed in single quotes. The '/n' inserts a line break after each line.
The 'sort' command sorts the output (largest package last) and 'column' makes two nicely separated columns: names on the left, size in bytes on the right. As long as you remember the special querytags formatting rules, you should have no trouble using this option.

You see that you can do a lot of nifty things with RPMs, but the more you want, the more complicated the RPM syntax gets. Other capabilities like the automatic resolution of dependencies or globbing of archive names are missing completely. Time for Mandrake Linux' 'urpm' ...

urpm - RPM Mandrake Style

Mandrake's 'urpm' ('User RPM') - introduced in ML 7.0 - tackles several RPM weaknesses:

'urpm' isn't meant as a replacement for RPM, it is meant to make common RPM tasks easier. In many parts it resembles the package tool the of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, 'apt'.

This page refers to 'urpm' as of ML 8.1.

Configuring urpm

The central configuration file is '/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg', the flat text data files are located in '/var/lib/urpmi', the log files in '/var/log'.

When you've installed your system from CDs, these will most likely already be indexed by 'urpm'. To add more installation media (other CDs, local directories, remote directories), use 'urpmi.addmedia'. Let's say you have a local 'rpms' directory in your home directory where you keep downloaded RPMs. To add this directory to the urpm database, run (as 'root'):

urpmi.addmedia local file://home/user_name/rpms

'local' is the nick name under which this resource can be referred to in the future. Update the data base with the data from the new 'local' resource:

urpmi.update local

Now the packages in 'rpms' are part of the urpm database and taken into account during all urpm operations. Don't forget to run 'urpmi.update' if the content of that directory changes (the same goes for all resources with non-static content like FTP directories).

Notice that for remote package resources you have to provide the relative path to the Mandrake Linux 'hdlist.cz' file on that server (relative from the directory where the RPMs are, that is) in the 'base' directory. This means you can't add remote resources to urpm unless they provide that dependency file.

To remove a resource from urpm, run (as 'root'):

urpmi.removemedia resource_name

Using urpm

'urpm' consists of a set of tools, each performing a certain task (in contrast to 'rpm', which works entirely via options).

Installing And Removing Packages

These commands require 'root' privileges.

To install a package available on one of the configured resources, run

urpmi archive

E.g. to install the 'mc' package:

urpmi mc

'urpmi' will check if this package is available and either download it (if it's on a remote resource) or prompt you for the removable medium the package is on or simply install it from the hard disk. If the package needs other packages, 'urpmi' will ask you if it is OK to install these, too. If you don't want to be asked, add the '--auto' option.

In case the archive name you provide is ambiguous, urpmi will print a list of all matching archive names and exit. You can modify this behavior by using the '-a' option:

urpmi -a gtk

for instance will install all packages whose archive names contain the string 'gtk'.

Another useful option is '-p' which allows to filter packages by what they provide. Example: Let's say you know you need the 'libe2p.so.2' program library, but you do not know which package provides that library:

urpmi -p libe2p.so.2

makes urpmi check which package provides that library and install that package, in this case 'libext2fs2'.

Of course, you can also use it to simply install a local package like you would do with 'rpm -U'. Notice that 'urpmi' always upgrades if it finds an earlier version of the package which is to be installed. Sometimes this is not the behavior you want, e.g. when installing a new kernel or when you need two different versions of the same program library. In these cases, you must use 'rpm -i'.

To uninstall packages, you use 'urpme':

urpme archive

If uninstalling the package would break dependencies of other packages, 'urpme' asks if these should be removed, too. If you don't want to be asked, add the '--auto' option. You should only use this option if you are pretty sure what you are doing ...

'urpme' also accepts the '-a' option:

urpme -a gtk

removes all installed packages whose names contain the string 'gtk'.

Querying Packages

Another area where the 'urpm' system really shines is querying, since the 'urpm' database does also contain information about packages which are not installed. The 'urpm' query tool is 'urpmf'. 'root' privileges are not required.

urpmf file

lists all packages in its database which contain file.

'urpmf' supports a lot of options which allow to query certain fields of package information. You want to know what packages containing games are available?

urpmf --group Games

How big is the 'pingus' package?

urpmf --size pingus

What is this package about?

urpmf --summary pingus
pingus:summary:Pingus - A free Lemmings clone

Have a look at man urpmf for more query options.

There's another urpm query command called 'urpmq', which is only of limited interest, though.

urpmq string

lists all known archive names which contain string. Globbing patterns are not allowed.

urpmq --sources archive

tells you on which resource archive is located. This command requires 'root' privileges.

urpmq -d archive lists all packages archive depends on and urpmq -r archive prints the full package name of archive.

Other options are listed in man urpmq.

Getting Updates

The urpm system allows you to update your system with the latest security and bug fixes by MandrakeSoft via the command line or even automatically, provided you have added at least one Mandrake Linux mirror to your 'urpmi.cfg' with 'urpmi.addmedia' (actually this is very convenient to do via the Software Manager, so you might want to it at least for this task).

The updating command is very simple

urpmi --auto-select

checks all configured resources for updated packages, lists them and asks if they should be installed. If you don't want to be asked, add the '--auto' option. This option is also convenient when you want you want to run the update via a cron job. Do not forget to run 'urpmi.update' to refresh the resource database.

You can put certain packages on 'hold', i.e. to be ignored by the update command. For this, add the archive names of these packages to the file '/etc/urpmi/skip.list'. For instance, to prevent 'urpmi --auto-select' from installing newer kernel or glibc packages:


If you have to provide updates for a larger network, have a look at the 'MandrakeUpdateRobot' package on your Mandrake CD. This package allows network administrators to deploy Mandrake Linux updates over a multitude of clients without much hassle.

What is ...

... the difference between an RPM and an SRPM?

An S(ource)RPM does not contain the compiled program, but the sources the RPM has been built from. You usually only need to bother with them, if you want to rebuild an RPM because of incompatibilities (see below).
SRPMs are marked by the file name ending 'src.rpm'.

... the difference between 'bla.rpm' and 'bla-devel.rpm'?

The '-devel-' RPMs contain the so-called 'header' files, i.e. stuff you need to compile other programs 'against' it. Non-devel RPMs contain the 'runtime' files, i.e. all the files you need for normal operation.
Unless you intend to compile programs for yourself, you don't need '-devel-' RPMs at all.

... the difference between installing and upgrading?

'Upgrade' replaces an earlier version, 'installation' leaves previously installed versions untouched (if possible).
This is quite important when it comes to 'libraries' (these contain code applications rely on). Different programs may rely on different versions of the same library. 'Upgrading' would break those programs which relied on the replaced library version. RPM would not allow you to do this.
It is no problem, however, to have several versions of the same library installed on your system.

... the difference between '[...].rpmnew' and '[...].rpmsave' files?

Both refer to configuration files. An '[...].rpmnew' file contains the new file from the RPM. The original file is untouched.
An '[...].rpmsave' file contains the old version of the file. The original file has been replaced by the file contained in the RPM.

How Do I ...

... list installed RPMs (by installation date or size)?

rpm -qa | less

lists all installed RPMs in the 'less' pager.

By installation date:

rpm -qa --last | less

By size:

rpm -qa --queryformat '%{name} %{size}\n' | sort -n +1 | column -t

... list available packages?

less /var/lib/urpmi/compss

In 'pure' RPM, you can create lists by redirecting RPM's output to a file:

rpm -qpi *.rpm > ~/rpmlist.txt

... find an RPM containing a certain file?

urpmf file

If you are not using the 'urpm' system, use this command:

for i in *.rpm ; do rpm -qpli $i | grep file && echo $i ; done

You can also use the search machine at rpmfind.net. Just enter the name of the file you are looking for.
Most graphical RPM tools offer a search function, too.

... extract one or more files from an RPM?

Some file managers like the Midnight Commander (mc) allow you to browse RPMs like directories and to copy files to a directory of your choice.

The 'rpm2cpio' command allows you to convert an RPM into a 'cpio' archive, which can then be operated on with the 'cpio' command.

... upgrade from a directory also containing not-installed RPMs?

rpm -F *.rpm

will upgrade all RPMs which are installed and for which the directory contains newer versions.

... upgrade a set of RPMs which depend on one another?

See previous entry.

... install or upgrade RPMs to a Linux system different from the one I'm currently on?

Use the '--root=[dir]' option. If you've booted the Mandrake Linux rescue system, for example, you can install RPMs to the Linux system on the hard disk mounted on '/mnt' with

rpm -i --root=/mnt /path/package

Notice that this only works locally, not via a network connection.

... (re)install an older version of ('downgrade') an installed RPM?

rpm -U --oldpackage package

... install an RPM which is incompatible (different library versions, paths etc)?

Get the source RPM for this package, usually denoted by '[packagename].src.rpm' and use this command from the 'rpm-build' package to recompile and install it:

rpmbuild --recompile SRPM

If you want RPM to build a new package, too, use

rpmbuild --rebuild SRPM

Notice that this process often requires some 'devel' RPMs to be installed. You will find the rebuilt RPM in '/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/arch'.

If the RPM is incompatible only because of installation path differences, you can either try to 'relocate' it:

rpm -i --relocate oldpath=newpath

or - before you install it - you link the RPMs installation directory to the one preferred by your system, e.g.

ln -s /usr /opt/kde

for SuSE's or Caldera's KDE RPMs.

... get more feedback from RPM on what it is doing?

Add the '-hv' option to get a progress bar. For more text output, use the '-v' or even the '-vv' option.

... exclude certain files from being installed?

rpm -i --excludepath path package

excludes all files whose name begins with path.

rpm -i --excludedocs package

doesn't install documentation files. This can be useful for 'devel' packages which come with loads of documentation. May not work with some RPMs

... build RPMs?

Duh, that would be an article in it's own right ;).
A good introduction can be found in the RPM HOWTO. Still the authoritative source on this topic is Maximum RPM.
For Mandrake specific information, have a look at the Mandrake RPM HOWTO.

What Do I Do If ...

... RPM complains about conflicting files from previously installed RPMs?

Sometimes files are provided by multiple packages. If you try to install an RPM which contains files already installed by another RPM, use

rpm -i --replacefiles package

... RPM complains about an RPM version conflict (RPM 3, RPM 4)?

Install RPM 3.0.5 from the ML 7.2 release. This version is the only RPM 3.x version which can handle RPMs packaged with RPM 4.x. ML 8 uses RPM 4, which is backward compatible.

... RPM complains about 'failing to open //var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm'?

Only 'root' may install, upgrade or remove packages. Use su or sudo.

... I can't use urpmi / urpme as a normal user?

Notice that only Mandrake Linux 8.0 allows 'urpmi' to be executed by a normal user. In order to be allowed to use 'urpmi' in 8.0, you have to be member of the 'urpmi' group. Add your user name to the appropriate line in '/etc/groups'. You have to be root in order to do that.
'urpme' is only to be executed by 'root'. 'urpmi' will only work for 'root' when installing single RPMs from directories unknown to 'urpmi'.

... a dependency is fulfilled by a self-compiled file only?

RPM only checks its own database for resolving dependencies, not the actual system. So even if you have all the dependencies fulfilled by self-compiled packages, RPM will fail the dependency check. (Actually, I've heard newer versions of RPM do check the actual install base and not only their data base. I'm not sure, though.)

There are two workarounds for this problem:

... rebuilding an SRPM fails right away with no such file or directory?

Install the 'rpm-build' package from the Mandrake Linux CD and try again.

... rebuilding an SRPM from Cooker fails with fg: no job control?

To build or rebuild RPMs, command macros ('/usr/lib/rpm/[arch-]mandrake-linux/macros') are used. From time to time, new macros are introduced. If a spec file contains a call to a macro which is not listed in the current 'macros' file, the shell will try to interpret this macro and inevitably fail with the above error message.

The most straightforward solution to this problem is upgrading to the latest RPM version on Cooker (I don't know if just replacing the 'macros' files would do, experiences anyone?). Another would be editing the spec file in '/usr/src/RPM/SPECS' to edit the offending macro. This however might result in the creation of a broken RPM.


This document addresses solutions/work-arounds to some of the problems I (Kevin Masaryk) have encountered while using 'rpmdrake' (aka 'Software Manager').

'rpmdrake' is a package management tool for working with RPM files. It is actually just a GUI front-end to 'urpmi'. 'urpmi' is the engine which 'rpmdrake' depends upon.

The only documentation available for 'rpmdrake' lies within the Mandrake Users Guide. There is no man page for 'rpmdrake'.

*Note concerning all problems: the operation of 'rpmdrake' doesn't appear to be consistent between each execution; what I mean is that it doesn't always act the same way or present the same data each time it is run. Many of the problems encountered with rpmdrake can be resolved by simply exiting and restarting the program.

Also, you will need to be logged in as 'root' to perform most of the solutions presented here.

"I've lost everything: media sources, install groups, and uninstall groups."

For obvious reasons, this is the most severe, and annoying, problem with rpmdrake. This problem has been known to occur even after a new installation of Linux-Mandrake.

The first thing to check is that the rpm database of what's installed on your system is intact. An easy way to do this is to try using 'gnorpm' or something similar.
In the unlikely event that you can't find any packages which are currently installed on your system in 'gnorpm', then your RPM database is probably corrupted or missing and needs to be rebuilt. Check the man page for 'rpm' (man rpm) to see how to do this ... or, if you're lazy: it's done with this command

rpm --rebuilddb

Next, browse the man pages for 'urpmi' to get an idea of how it works. The following is a list of 'urpmi's configuration files, with their descriptions, taken straight from the urpmi(8) man page (edited for grammar):

Have a look at the '/var/lib/urpmi' directory. You shouldn't have any 'hdlist.*' files. If you do, use


to remove the media or use the brute-force method and just delete them (not recommended).

urpmi.removemedia cdrom1

Next, have a look at the '/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg' file. This file should either be empty (since you've lost all your media) or every line should be commented out (i.e. has a '#' sign in front of it).
Since we want to start clean, use an editor and delete all duplicate lines in this file. Hopefully, you'll be left with a few commented-out lines relating to the original installation CDs which you got with Mandrake.
Here's what a 'normal' urpmi.cfg file should look like for a Mandrake 7.2 Complete installation (plus an FTP media I created):

cdrom1 removable_cdrom_0://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS
cdrom2 removable_cdrom_1://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS2
cdrom3 removable_cdrom_2://mnt/cdrom/RPMS3
cdrom4 removable_cdrom_3://mnt/cdrom/RPMS4
ftp_depot file://home/ftp/RPM_depot/ 

Now use 'urpmi.addmedia' to add media. Here's an example:

  1. Put CD1 of Mandrake Linux in your CDROM drive.

  2. Type

    urpmi.addmedia removable_cdrom_0://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS

    (That's one line) * Again, if this doesn't work, the brute-force method is just to add the lines in manually and then use urpmi.update name.

After adding all of your media, you should be able to start 'rpmdrake' and have everything back to normal...hopefully ;-).

"I get false results when looking for a new RPM after updating my media."

You'll find the RPMs you've just added via the new media in the Package Groups window on the left. A search for the new RPM(s) will return false until you restart 'rpmdrake'.

"I've added CD media but the RPMs aren't showing up."

If you go to User->Preferences->Add media(button) and select CDROM as the "Type of media," you are only able to select the name of the CD and a "CDROM number" identifier.
This may prevent you from using non Mandrake distribution CDROMs with RPMs on them, such as Red Hat CDs. The reason is that urpmi needs to know the exact directory which contains the RPMs and 'rpmdrake' may or may not report the location properly. Your options are to either: select "Local" as the "Type of media" and enter the full path to the RPM dir, or add the media with 'urpmi.addmedia' (best choice).
The following is a list of the CDs distributed with Mandrake 7.2 Complete and the location of the RPM dirs on them (relative from mount directory):

Here's how we'd add CD1 with 'urpmi.addmedia':

urpmi.addmedia removable_cdrom_0://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS

"rpmdrake is listing multiple copies of every package."

Try checking your '/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg' file for duplicate entries. If you find any, make sure they're commented ('#') out. Additionally, you'll probably need to use 'urpmi.removemedia' to remove the duplicate media offender and 'urpmi.addmedia' to re-add the media.

Legal: This text is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License. Standard disclaimers of warranty apply. Copyright LSTB (Tom Berger) and Mandrakesoft 1999-2002.