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About LDC

  • Birthday 09/17/1988

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    luisdiazcg@yahoo.es (too)
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  • Location
    The Great Kingdom of Spain

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  1. Hi! Does anyone know how can be openoffice themed with the kde theme? I mean as for example the openoffice version wich comes with suse is. Thanx!
  2. LDC

    Vcd to avi

    Hi! I have some vcds but i want to copy them into dvds, so i can copy 6 vcds into one dvd, but when i try to copy the dat archive it says me it cant be copied. In windows it can. SO wot can i do? Is there any app wich i can convert vcds into avis or ogms with? Thanx
  3. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=27730 This is for mandriva and ive just installed it and works perfectly
  4. Hi! There is a kde utility wich upgrades the kde menu, looking for missed apps that arnt in the menu. I remember i had it in mepis, and i think is really useful. But i dont remember the name and i installed the package kde-utils with urpmi but it doesnt seem to be there. Does anyone know about that util?
  5. Hi! This is not a really installation problem. But i just only want to know how to change the pc name. I mean, my pc is called Localhost and i want to change it. How can i do that? Thanx!!
  6. LDC


    Hi! Just one question. Does beagle work in KDE?? Thanks
  7. LDC


    Hi again! thanx for the replies. Ok i´ll install a firewall them. I see mandrakes one a bit poor. I want one as Zone alarm or in that style. And i dont want to configure on my own the iptables. So do u Is it good? thanx!!!
  8. LDC


    Hi! Im running Mdk 10 powerpack and i have a dial up connection? is needed to enable the firewall and also an antivirus (with mdk 10 powepack comes Kaspersky and doctor web), or is it secury to surf on the net without them?
  9. Hi! Thacs repo has the new kde 3.3 repo Just type as root: urpmi.addmedia Thac-10.0 http://rpm.nyvalls.se/10.0/RPMS with hdlist.cz And then u can install kde 3.3 searchin throw the packages list
  10. Hi all! I have a HP dvd writer and when i connect it to the usb 2.0 or to the fireware controller it is not recognized, but when i connect it to the usb 1.0 of the mother board it is fully recognized but a very slow speed cos of the usb 1.1. The fireware and the usb 2.0 controllers are recognized at hardrake. And they and the writer goes well in windows. What can be the problem? Thanx!!!
  11. LDC

    multisession cds

    hi all! I know this is a stupid question but how can i make a multisesion cd with k3b? An also i have tried to continue a multisesion cds made by Nero and it is not possible to continue writin it with k3b. Wots the problem?And has some1 tried xcdroast? Is it good? Thanx!!
  12. LDC

    Gstreamer 0.8

    Hi! In the official page there is only rpm packages for a bit distros not for mandrake. Maybe i have to compile it on my own. But thank anyway
  13. LDC

    Gstreamer 0.8

    hi all! I tried to install Amarok but it needs gstreamer 0.8 to run. The lastest version i could find to mandrake is 0.7, wich is the one i have. Do any1 know where can i find 0.8?thanx
  14. LDC

    DVD burns too slow

    Hi! It can be also because your DVDs dont support more speed than 8x. So far i havent seen any DVD over 8x burning capability. For example i have a external dvd writer 16x8x16x and i use to buy 8x dvds and the real speed they r burned is 5x the most of the time and the same with the cds writers. So dont worry.
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